It is time to scrap outdated manual punch card system and adopt an efficient time attendance system with FingerTec® Timeline 100. Introducing the latest product of FingerTec Worldwide, FingerTec® Timeline 100, an RFID card system with a difference designed for office time attendance system.
The FingerTec® Timeline 100 can handle huge employee base as the system offers up to 10,000 employee IDs and it can store up to 30,000 transactions per reader. Its stylish design with availability of LCD and soft-touch keypad buttons makes FingerTec® Timeline 100 an efficient card system, which its menu can be accessed directly from the reader. The TimeLine 100 system is easy to setup via TCP/IP and the software installation is straightforward with TCMS V2, a Windows based time attendance software complete with various types of report for attendance tracking and monitoring.
In addition, combinations of the FingerTec® Timeline 100 RFID card readers with any FingerTec® fingerprint readers in one centralized system of up to 99 units is made possible without any extra integration required for easy data and reader management.
Timeline 100 Mifare and HID Card Readers are supported and available for order.
Dimension L x W x H (mm): 300 x 90 x 225 Weight (kg): 1.3